Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rèsumè Daniel Carrión de Gómez

English into Spanish Translator
Specializes in:

  • Medical (general). Health care. Informed consents. Medical equipment software/manuals.
  • User manuals.
  • Marketing material.
  • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama & Literature
  • Travel Insurance. Tourism & Travel
  • History /Science (general)
  • Corporate policies and employees manuals.
  • Business - Commerce (general). e-Commerce


20-year expertise as freelance and in-house translator and interpreter for translation agencies, private customers and large companies. Used to tight deadlines. Team-work, leadership and interpersonal communication skills.


Windows XP, Prof. Edition.
Windows Vista Home Premium
MS Office 2007
Trados 2007
MS FrontPage


  • Translation of texts in medical, technical, commercial, literary and legal language, from English into Spanish.

  • Translation of plays and movie/TV show/ educational video scripts (English>Spanish and viceversa), for subtitling and dubbing.

  • Interpreters teams management.

  • Supervision of hired contractors for translation jobs.

  • Translation teaching in under-graduate level education.

  • Management of large translation projects for government customer.

Career & Main Customers

  • Wordwire Language Services ( Freelance translator. Current/2011
  • SLS International ( Translation of the Marvel comic “Thor, the Human Torch”. 2011
  • The Big Word. ( Traductor freelance. Actual/2009
  • Freelance translator and editor for Posdata Language Services ( 2010/2009
  • Freelance Translator for Idea Factory Language (

  • Freelance translator for Subitularte (Madrid). Translation of short films for the "V Edición del Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Santiago de Compostela", where one of the short films I translated for subtitling (John and Karen -UK- by Matthew Walker) won the International Animation Award.
  • Freelance translator for CIVISA MEDIA ( Translation of TV show scripts for The Discovery Channel Network. Current.
  • Freelance translator for Hispano Language Advisory ( Current.
  • ENERSA - Energía de Entre Ríos S.A. (electric utility). Translations of books on electricity distribution. Current/2007.
  • USA-ASSIST Travel Insurance (Los Angeles-based on-line travel insurance trader – 2005/2007. In-house translator (policy certificates, marketing material, and other documents. Management of outsourced translators.
  • Credigal Internacional (Travel agency – Translation. E-marketing. E-mail design. Current/2005.
  • Empresa Hotelera Yáñez Martín S.A. (Hotel company). 2006. Translation into English of website content (
  • Instituto “New Start”. Current/1996. Teacher of “Translation Practice I”, “Translation Practice II”, “Interpretation II”, “Literary Translation” and “Technical and Scientific Translation”, at the Translators School.
  • Museo Etnográfico de Santa Fe. (Santa Fe Ethnographic Museum) 2005. Proposal to Include the Ruins of Santa Fe la Vieja in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. (

  • I translated Joe Orton's play "What the Butler Saw" and Harold Pinter’s “A slight Ache” and “The Room”, for the National University of Entre Ríos. “A Slight Ache” was performed by the University’s theater cast in 2004.
  • Chamber of Foreign Commerce of Entre Ríos. 2001. Delivered lectures on INCOTERMS
  • Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad de Entre Ríos S.A. (electric utility). 2001/1997. English-Spanish-English Translator and Interpreter for the Commercial Area. Contractor supervisor. Customer care supervisor.

  • Courts of Law of the Province of Entre Rios. 1996 and 2001. Certified translator.
  • CMS Operating S.A. Energy trader. 1997/1997. English-Spanish-English translator and interpreter. Coordinator of the interpreters and translators teams. Assistant to administration and technical tasks.

  • Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad de Entre Ríos S.A. 1997/1996. English-Spanish-English translator and interpreter for the engineering, commercial, legal and public relations areas.

  • 2da. Feria de las Colonias (Foreign Trade tradeshow, Santa Fe). 1992. Interpreter at the foreign trade conversations.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Literary Translation. Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. Buenos Aires, Arg. (1-year plus final thesis, supplementary to previous non-university 4-year degrees). Average grade: 9.25 (max. 10).

  • Literary and Technical-Scientific Translator (4-year degree). Instituto Superior de Profesorado Alte. Brown, Santa Fe, Arg. Average grade: 4.32 (max.: 5).

  • Airplane Technician. Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica Nº3, Paraná, Arg, (secondary school).

Training / Updating Courses or Seminars

Ø Course"Update on Spanish Language". Alicia Zorrilla. Córdoba, Argentina. Aug.2011.

Ø Tremedica Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oct. 2010

Ø Courseon Wordfast Pro. Delivered by Wordfast-certified trainers. Aug, 2010.

Ø Webinaron Wordfast CAT tool, delivered by Dr. Nicole Keller. ProZ. Jan, 2010

ØTranslation for Subtitling”, delivered by Xosé Castro Roig, Translator, proofreader and copywriter. ProZ Conference, Córdoba, Argentina. Aug, 2008.
Ø Incidencia de la variación connotativa de nuestras hablas en la traducción de los registros literario y coloquial”, delivered by Manuel Ramiro Valderrama, Dr. en Filología HispánicaProZ Conference, Córdoba, Argentina. Aug, 2008.
Ø Neutral Spanish in translation and proofreading”, delivered by Xosé Castro Roig, Translator, proofreader and copywriter. ProZ Conference, Córdoba, Argentina. Aug, 2008.
Ø First Specialization Seminar and Workshop - “Translation for Health Care”. Organized by ProZ and Hispano Language Advisory. Córdoba - Argentina. 2008.
Ø Workshop “Audiovisual Translation”, delivered by Translator Sandra Ramaccioti Expolenguas (B.A.). 2007.
Ø Workshop “Dubbing and Neutral Spanish in Argentina”, delivered by Carlos Romero Franco & Team; Expolenguas (B.A.). 2007.
Ø Trados Educational Webinar “SDL Trados 2007 for Beginners”, organized by SDLX International. 2007.
Ø Trados Educational Webinar “Terminology and software localization”, delivered by World renowned terminology expert Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Schmitz; organized by SDLX International. 2007.
Ø Seminar-workshop “Competitive Marketing for Translators”, delivered by Lic. Manuel Schneer and Eng. Enrique Cavalitto; organized by and Colegio de Traductores de Santa Fe. 2007.
Ø Seminar “Translation Discourse and Discourse Translation” delivered by Prof. Georges Bastin (Universitie de Louvain, Belgium; University of Montreal, Canada), Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (2003).
Ø Seminar “A Practice Inspired in Theory”, Prof. Georges Bastin, (Universitie de Louvain, Belgium; University of Montreal, Canada), Alianza Francesa, Paraná (2003).
Ø Delivered the conference “An Approach to interpretation”, Instituto Superior New Start (2002).
Ø Conference on translation of legal and judicial texts, Instituto Superior New Start (2002).
Ø Course “The importance of reading when translating at first sight”, Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (2002).
Ø Course “Translation of Medical Terms” (2002) – Translators and Interpreters Association of Entre Rios.
Ø Course on E-Commerce, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (2001).
Ø Postgraduate course on “General Terminology”, delivered by Dr. María Teresa Cabré, Director of IULA TERM, Pompeu Fabre University of Barcelona (2001) – attended at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
Ø IV Congress on Translation and Terminology, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, (2001).
Ø Lecture “Globalization in the Translator’s Profession” (2001) – Translators and Interpreters Association of Entre Rios.
Ø II Congress on Translation and Terminology, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, (1997).
Ø Teacher as Graduate Student of Literary Translation, at the Translator’s School of Instituto Superior de Profesorado Alte. Brown, Santa Fe (1992 – 1993).
Ø An Approach to Interpretation” Translators Association of Santa Fe (1992)
Ø Seminar “An Approach to Translation and Interpretation”, delivered by Emilio Stevanovich. Argentine-American Cultural Exchange Association in Rosario (1988)

Other professional activities

Ø Collaborator. Translation Service - Society of International Relations - University of Alicante (Spain)
Ø Former Vice-president and founder of the Translators and Interpreters Association of Entre Rios (Argentina).
Ø Former member of the Translators Association of Santa Fe (Argentina).


Ciel said...

Hola Daniel, te dejo la direccion de un sitio donde se publican ofertas laborales para traductores:

Anonymous said...

Hola Daniel! Por medio de internet encontré tu página. Estoy intentando saber como se traduce mi título al inglés (me recibi como vos, creo, de Traductora Literaria con especialidad en Inglés en la UMSA y ví que vos lo pusiste como "Bachelor Degree". Estamos hablando del mismo título? Podrías ayudarme? mi mail es
Te lo agradecería mucho.

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- Norman

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